Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day! 

Baby Beatty is due August 2014! 

Chris and I couldn't be more excited to share the news of our first little baby! We had our first doctors appointment the February 11th so we thought Valentine's Day would be the perfect time to share the news.  Of course I have had 7 weeks to figure out the perfect pregnancy announcement and I ended up taking the photos at 9:30pm the night before! But I'm very happy with the way they turned out.  I just drew a little chalkboard and got this cute heart garland form Michales to take our photo.  

We even had the dogs stop by for one of the photos! It makes me laugh every time I look at it because they loved the new white rug (that I got for my birthday-thanks mom) and kept wanted to sit down next to Chris as I set up the self-timer.  We decided we would take a photo with Kevin and Kirby just for fun and they both some how looked at the camera! 

Our first appointment went GREAT!! Aside from all the boring stuff that went well, we got to hear the baby’s heartbeat!! It was so exciting! She found it right away, literally she put the machine on my stomach and it was beating, we all starting laughing and so it took another moment to find it again but it was going strong and sounded healthy! Then she took us to have a quick ultrasound, it was amazing! Right there was our little baby! And it actually looked like a baby (I kind thought it would still look like a tadpole/alien baby) but no it was so cute! It was moving his/her arms around, you could see the heartbeat/stomach/spine and he/she was kinda bouncing around. 

I decided that this blog would be a great way to keep track of all the fun, wonderful memories that will be happening in our life.  Plus it will be a nice way for our friends and family out of town to keep up with the pregnancy.  I will post tomorrow about how I told Chris I was prego and the first trimester.  Thank you to everyone for the congratulations! It makes me so thankful to have such amazing friends and family to help us celebrate the exciting news. So blessed. So happy. 

Much Love, 
