Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Meet Kevin

Kevin is our wonderful dog.  He is three years old, 20ish pounds and honestly the best dog Chris and I have ever owned.  He is a mix of pug and toy poodle. He has become a huge part of our family. 

Chris and I started dating in October of 2009.  In the spring of 2010, Chris went to the pet store to pick out Kevin. So needless to say he has been around for almost entire relationship. 

For those of you that know Chris, when he puts his mind to something—he wants it—like yesterday! So that spring, Chris has decided he NEEDED a dog. Period-end of story. 

As he talked about getting a dog, we got into the subject of naming. I had one rule, no people names for dogs.  It just always seemed a no-brainer to me, I didn’t want someone coming into my house with the same name as my dog (for the human's sake).  So Chris would just tease me with human names: Paul, Kevin, Walter… it was a running joke. 

One Friday evening, Chris dragged me to the pet store despite me saying maybe he should wait for a while.  But oh those puppies get me every time, soo cute! And there were little tiny black & brown pug/poodles.  When the pet store worker brought out a puppy for us to play with, sold. As we played with him and got to know the puppy, Chris teased and called him Kevin. (I just laughed and thought I could convince him of a different name later).  He said he would sleep on it and come back in the morning…

He went back in the morning.  As he walked into the store, he heard the young pet store worker ask, “Are you here for KEVIN??” From that point on, it was a done deal! Chris’ new dog was named Kevin.  

Being that Chris and I didn’t live together but he had to travel a lot for work, it was like we shared joint custody of Kevin. We just loved him, very smart puppy.  Chris kenneled him during the day for the first few months and thankfully Kevin picked up some tips from Chris’ roommate's dogs.  Kevin moved with Chris into his apartment and then into the townhouse before we got married and then I moved in. 

Kevin is a great dog! He has a HUGE personality and under bite. He is so sweet and kind.  He does have a few quirks though.  Such as he watches tv.  No joke, he watches the tv for animals! We did not train him to do this and it is as bazaar as it sounds.   He is very smart. Kevin’s only downfall is barking—ugh, barking.  Kevin also has a huge before and after when he gets his haircut! Too fun.

There are so many stories about Kevin and I’m sure I will share them over time but for now… say hello to Kevin. 

Much Love, 


1 comment:

  1. cute blog :)
    so glad i came across it.
