Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Passport Save The Dates


So we decided on a destination wedding and I was in full swing planning mode! Everything was so exciting and after details about location, date and invite list were set, I was on to Save the Dates!

I knew right away that I wanted to do passport Save the Dates but didn't want to spend a million bucks.. so DIY it was. I will say that the printing took some time but this project it TOTALLY do-able for someone wanting to save some money.  I got all of the paper at Michaels, along with a few tools to help with the job.

For the paper, I used white card stock and textured colorful card stock (but make sure the back is white).  I made the template in the program Microsoft Office Publish. I put 4 of the passport pages on to 1 piece of card stock as well as printing on the front and back of each page.  Here is how I did the lay out for the template...

At this time, I couldn't decide on our 'wedding colors' so I just wanted them to be fun and bright colors.  After I printed all of the pages out I used a scissor, paper cutter and a paper corner rounder punch to get the pages ready to put together.  Thank goodness for my helpers, my mom and Kevin! 

Thankfully my mom had a long-arm stapler to reach the middle of the fold line.  We scored each of the pages and stapled the books together.  The last piece was to add the magnet on the last page.  I used clear removable adhesive zots to attach the magnets to the last page.  The magnets I ordered off of Vistaprint.  

Here are some pictures of the final product.  I LOVED the way they turned out and got so many compliments on them!

Please let me know if you have any questions about our Passport Save the Dates. Thanks! 

Much Love, 


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Engagement Photos & 'Save the Date' Circles

So a few months after we got engaged we had Chelsae Carlson with Chelsae Carlson Photography take our engagement photos.  Chelsae is based out of Fargo so it meant a drive for us but she is so nice to work with and very reasonably priced! We are so happy with them and they were perfect for our save the dates (next post on those).

For photo props, I brought along old travel suite cases (that were borrowed from a friend) since we decided to have a destination wedding.  I also made these 'Save the Date' Circles with the date of our wedding, 10/20/12.  

 'Save the Date' Circles:
I purchased all of the supplies at our locale Michaels.  
-Wooden Circles
-Wooden Sticks
-Wooden Numbers
-White Paint
-Bright Colored Paper

Super Easy To Make: First, I painted all of the wooden items white at the same time.  Since is was just for the photos, I didn't worry about the back. After all of the items were dry, I took out my glue gun and scissor.  I traced and cut the circles out of the bright colored paper.  Cut the circles slightly smaller then the wooden ones so you can see the border.  Then I used the glue gun to put it all together! Tip: I put the sticks on last to have an even surface to align the circles and numbers.  Done & Enjoy! 

It turned out to be a very fun day! 

Much Love, 


Monday, June 17, 2013

Our Engagement

For my first post, I decided I would start at the beginning with our amazing engagement. 

This Story of How Chris Asked Me To Be His Wife…

One night in July, we had plans to have dinner at our friend's house.  I was suppose to bring the salad, so we stopped at the grocery store. Meanwhile Chris gets a call and explains that we’ll have to reschedule dinner because Erica was not feeling well.

 We changed our plans to make dinner at Chris’ apartment. After putting the potatoes in the oven and lighting the coals in the grill, Chris asked if I would go with him to take Kevin (our dog) on a walk. I agreed, even though I was a little apprehensive due to leaving the oven on while we were away. We walked across 24th Ave which wasn’t the ‘normal’ walking path but Chris convinced me that Kevin likes to go by the park.  I love to see my old elementary school, the park I had spent so much time at when I was younger, and the Cox (my maiden name) Park sign that we have taken so many photos with.  

As we got to the corner with the Cox Park sign, Chris said that he thought we should start planning our wedding and I stated that we kind of have already been doing a little planning. Chris said that we should start putting some details in place and this is why… he dug in his pocket, pulled out a beautiful diamond ring and got down on one knee. 

I started to freak out (I hate surprises and wasn’t expecting this at all!) 

It’s all a little bit of a blur but soon I heard him asking, “Elizabeth Dawn, will you marry me?” I managed to squeak out an “of course I will!” 

After some hugs, kisses and calling him a jerk about 5 times, I noticed a man walking towards us with a camera. It was Pastor Bruce from Hope Church who had been taken photos the whole time! It was a very happy, exciting and surreal moment. After posing for a few more photos we headed back to the apartment. 

On our way back, Chris told me that he had planned a surprise engagement party at my parents’ house and everyone was waiting. I was so eager to tell everyone the good news, so we turned off the oven and rushed over. 

As we drove up to the party, I notice many of our closest friends/families’ cars. It meant so much to us to celebrate this special day with some close loved ones. We walk to the backyard that was decorated in colorful lanterns, pink roses, champagne glasses and even rainbow cupcakes. “Guess what?!?” I yelled to the backyard “We’re ENGAGED!” 

Cheers, hugs and champagne toasts followed. It was one of the best days of my life and I can’t thank Chris (and all of his helpers) enough! While talking with friends, I was reminded that I had just caught the bouquet at one of my best friend’s wedding the previous weekend, guess it really does work huh! 

Much Love, 
