Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy 1st Birthday, Kirby!

It is our other puppy’s first birthday today! Yay for our sweet puppy dog!

We got Kirby from the pet store in the middle of last November. Getting him was kind of an impulsive thing.  I mean we had discussed getting a second dog many times but had thought we would wait until the spring.  However, like Kevin, once we got to the pet store and I saw him, sold.  I couldn’t wait to bring him home!

Kirby is a Springer Spaniel (3/4) with a little Shitzu (1/4).  He looks just like a Springer with short legs and he is cute as a button! I grew up with an English Springer Spaniel, Ginger, and I loved her so.  I always wanted to get another Springer because I loved their energy and then freckles on their noses!

Kirby really was a smart puppy but he gave us our fare share of puppy frustrations.  He was potty trained really quickly! But funny story, he was potty trained when there was snow on the ground so when the snow melted in the spring, he was so confused! It was very funny, he would have to go and find patches of snow to be able to go to the bathroom.  “Go to the bathroom” although ironic is the phrase he is trained to and will almost go on command. 

Kevin took awhile to warm up to Kirby but they are just like brothers now and get along very well.  Kirby is kenneled during the day while we are at work and Kevin is not.  I know this may sound unfair but Kirby still acts like a puppy and gets things he shouldn’t to chew. 

Kirby loves to cuddle until he is too hot, just a heat rock that little one! He is always wagging his long tail that looks like a feather pen! He will play, play, play until he crashes.  We are still learning Kirby’s quarks but so far he is a pretty normal dog.  He loves to pick up sticks on our walks and carry it with him.  You can tell he has that hunting bread in him, birds- bunnies-squirrels drive him crazy!

I’m quite sure Kirby will keep us entertained and on our toes! Even though he is a year old, he is still very much a puppy.  We love you Kirby! Happy Birthday!

Much Love, 


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