Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Life as of Wednesday: October 9, 2013

Loving: October! So far so good and October is shaping up to be a perfect Autumn month.  Traveling and traditions rank high on my list and this month has it all!

Reading: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (HP #6). I never before read the Harry Potter books but I did love the series of movies.  Why did I not read these books before? They are so fun! A very enjoyable read and I can’t wait to finish them.  I purchased the whole series of books for my iPad the end of July and have finished the first 5 already.  As I finish reading a book, Chris and I are watching that movie (Chris had never seen any of the movies). 

Watching: Fall TV Premiers! I need to update my DVR list with the new seasons of 2013.  Here is the list so far: Parenthood, Modern Family, Revenge, The Crazy Ones and Nashville. I hate to admit that this summer I was addicted to ABC Family and ‘reality’ shows like Dance Moms and Cheer Perfection.  Chris and I also just started watching season one of Revolution on Netflix, its super good- don’t know why we didn’t watch it last year- going to have to add that to the DVR list too.

Listening: Joshua Radin is my all time favorite! We recently got to go to his concert when we vacationed to CA. It was AMAZING! Chris surprised me with VIP tickets so we could go in during his sound check and meet him. Eeek! He was playing with Matt Nathanson so needless to say I have been playing both of their albums on repeat trying to relive the concert. 

Drinking: A few years ago, I traveled to Russia. It was a wonderful and life changing experience. One thing I loved for awhile after traveling there was Tea.  I’ve decided to bring tea back and I am loving it! I typically go for the Earl Grey Tea.  Along with Tea, I am loving the traditional Autumn Apple Drinks, Carmel Apple Spice and Redds Apple Ale.  Yumms!

Eating: After eating out so much on Vacation, I am enjoying any home cooked meal.  We have made taco salad and tried a new pizza casserole. Both delish! I really want to try making some pumpkin muffin/cupcake soon. 

High of the Week: Traveling to San Fran!

Low of the Week: The short mini-meltdown over my new hair chop -but loving the cut other then that.

Prayer of the Week: This week I pray that God looks after my best friend (AS) as her father is in the hospital.  I also pray that you bless our friends (KK&LK) from California, Monday they welcomed their first son into the world!

Random Thought: Thank you to Chris for being so sweet and the type of husband that brings me flowers at work! The roses are beautiful and I am so lucky to have you.

Excited For: I am excited to take my nephew to the pumpkin patch tomorrow! And for the UND Homecoming Football Game this weekend. Booyah! #mentallyfistbumpingautumnrightnow

Much Love, 


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