Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Donate Hair: CHECK!

Chris and I just got back home from San Francisco yesterday. It was a super fun trip and I will post all about it asap. But the night before we left town I had a hair appointment and decided to bite the bullet and donate my hair!

I have been thinking about donating my hair for a long time but never had the guts to do it. Frankly and selfishly, I love my hair.  It is so unique and a beautiful shade of amber (never colored/highlighted).  After getting some information from friends and doing a bit of research, it came down to Locks of Love/ Pantene Beautiful Lengths/ Wigs for Kids.  They all looked like great organizations.  Wigs for Kids the donation had to be over 12 inches long, I didn’t think I would have that much. 

I booked an appointment at the downtown salon, Avant.  They assured me that they had worked with people donating hair before and had all the information ready for Locks of Love.  In the end, I did go with Locks of Love and sent in 11 inches! The photo of me holding up the cut off pony was only 1 of 4 sections of hair I sent in! I have some pretty thick hair, my hairdresser said she was amazed at how much hair I still had after chopping of 11 inches!

So far I have been loving my short hair! It is fun to change things up every now and then.  I did have a mini meltdown one evening—I have been so used to being able to toss my hair up into a bun/braid/high pony—and after all day on a bus tour of San Fran my hair was a mess.  We had to rush to get ready for dinner and I was so frustrated that I didn’t know how to do my hair! Like what? We ended up pushing dinner back a bit and I quickly curled my hair and pinned half of it up. Overall though it has been a great time and shampoo saving chop! I’m excited to get some time to play around with short hair for once. 

I hope that if some redhead out there one day needs a wig during a scary time, the wig that my hair helps make will give them a bit of comfort and peace. 

Mentally taking a bright pink marker and drawing a big check off my life list...


Much Love,


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